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203 Get Your Team On Board with Persuasive Presentation Storytelling

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET
Tuesday, December 5

Presentations are everywhere, but why? What are they for? Informing, communicating, sharing? Well, maybe but not really, as that can be done with an email. All presentations are about persuasion: Persuading your audience to do something afterward. It could be implementing a new approach, understanding why they should adopt the topics from training, approving investment in a new project, or any of the other things that you speak with your team about—or your peers or senior leadership team for that matter. It’s all about persuasion, and yet so many presentations fall short of achieving their objective.

This session looks at how you can ensure your presentation is effective by incorporating persuasive storytelling techniques. From how to craft a powerful opening to get your audience engaged with the content to structuring the presentation around key elements that help you achieve your objectives to closing with impact in a way that compels your audience to act. It’s all about communicating effectively and getting your team to buy into, and follow, your vision—as well as something helping them communicate more effectively with you and other members of the leadership team.

We’ll walk through the key components of a persuasive story, follow a framework for applying the ideas to your presentation, look at the various options that can work in different scenarios, and see real-life examples of how to translate that into actual slides so it’s not just theory.

In this session you will learn how to:

  • Craft persuasive audience-focused messages
  • Write and tell compelling stories that engage audiences
  • Understand techniques to convey your story with meaningful compelling visuals

Richard Goring



Richard Goring is a director at BrightCarbon, a presentation and eLearning agency. He enjoys helping people create engaging content and communicate effectively using visuals, diagrams, and animated sequences that explain and reinforce the key points.