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407 Mind the Gap: Successfully Deploy Virtual Learning to a Workforce with Technology Gaps

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
Tuesday, December 5

Our workforce is always changing. New employees come onboard, policies need updates, and approaches change; training is unavoidable. But what happens when leadership determines that all learning will be virtual and asynchronous—and a portion of your staff isn’t ready for that jump in technology? What do you do when staff members struggle with basic computer skills but must complete everything without an in-person instructor?

It’s time to face the technology skills gap and prepare your learners for a digital world, starting with intentional training.

In this case study session, you will find out how the SDP Office Of School Safety transitioned their staff to a virtual, asynchronous training model despite over 60% of learners self-identifying as someone with a technology skills gap. Together we’ll explore how the team used direct communication, support materials, and microlearning to increase staff completion of online training modules by from 47% to 86% over a five-month period.

You’ll leave this session with a list of digital learning tools that are easy to implement for a virtual team full of learners with diverse education levels and technical skill sets.

In this session you will learn:

  • How to identify a technology skills gap in your workforce
  • Strategies to prepare staff experiencing a technology skills gap for a transition to a virtual, asynchronous learning model
  • A proven, replicable approach to increasing completion of virtual, asynchronous learning despite technology skills gaps
  • Techniques for follow-up and coaching to increase learner comfort levels in technology-based learning

Tierney Keller Brown

Director of Training and Professional Development

The School District of Philadelphia

Tierney Keller Brown is the director of training and professional development at the School District of Philadelphia and works with the Office of School Safety to create and deliver dynamic training content for a diverse group of learners. Tierney has worked in education research and implementation for 10 years, leading trainings, workshops, and digital learning engagements in 20 states for over 50 different education institutions within both K-12 and higher education. Currently, Tierney specializes in learning design, curriculum development, and virtual learning. She began her career in higher education and received a master’s in higher education at George Mason University.