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813 Unleashing Organization-wide Collaboration

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
Wednesday, December 6

In today’s fast-moving, interconnected society, knowledge-sharing and continuous learning are becoming essential for building organizational agility and resilience, especially as we navigate the challenges of rapid change, distributed work, and talent growth and retention. Traditional approaches emphasizing technology, leadership encouragement, and modeling have failed. It’s time we adopt a new strategy that emphasizes system change for internal social change.

Learning professionals play an important role in advancing all forms of learning, and they sit in an advantageous position to influence the direction leadership will take. But it has a new look! While some may believe that this is outside their purview, learning professionals can and must help shift the conversation toward transferring learning’s ownership from L&D to the individual and unleash people’s natural ability to connect, collaborate, and share knowledge.

In this session, you will learn:

  • The impact of organizational design on employee social behaviors
  • What the research says about when and why attitudes towards connection change
  • How to break down barriers and lead the conversation for change

Mark Britz

Director of Programming

The Learning Guild

Mark Britz is the director of event programming at The Learning Guild. Previously he worked for more than 15 years designing and managing learning solutions with organizations such as Smartforce, Pearson Digital Learning, the SUNY Research Foundation, Aspen Dental Management, and Systems Made Simple. Mark is also an organizational social designer, helping businesses achieve the benefits of becoming more connected and collaborative to improve learning and engagement. Mark is the author of Social By Design: How to create and scale a collaborative company, and regularly presents and writes about the use of social media for learning, collaborative networks, and organizational design.