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704 Upskill Your Needs Analysis to Dramatically Impact Business Outcomes

1:30 PM - 2:30 PM ET
Wednesday, December 6

Have you ever decided on a course of action, only to realize you were solving for the wrong problem? Preconceived notions, limiting beliefs, and assumptions create barriers to critical thinking. Blind spots become obstacles, getting in the way of alignment and achieving business outcomes. It is critical that we, as leaders, improve our needs analysis capabilities to solve real business problems.

In this session you will demonstrate how asking the right questions through a defined needs analysis framework, driven by a repeatable process, creates clarity of need and a focus on outcomes. What, Who, Why, How, When—these questions, combined with project management rigor and thinking, will help you speed up your needs analysis process, minimize blind spots, and refresh your focus.

You will walk away with a repeatable needs analysis process that you can apply in your business immediately.

In this session you will learn how to:

  • Identify whether the problem is really something that needs to be solved—before you invest resources
  • Implement the needs analysis framework
  • Determine how to avoid blind spots and improve your business perspective
  • Leave refreshed and ready to solve business problems through better needs analysis

Mike Simmons


Catalyst A.C.T.S.

Mike Simmons is an enabler and a coach. He helps leaders and professionals breakthrough the challenge of second-guessing their work. He does this through a combination of frameworks, process, tools, and thinking. He takes a beginner’s mind approach to the work he does, starting with questions informed by experience, practice, and doing the work. Possessing more than two decades of operations, consulting, customer success, sales, sales operations leadership experience; 15 of those years were in the EdTech space where Mike helped numerous clients achieve success through the application of innovative technology to their learning, skills development, and behavior change challenges.