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Zohal Shah

Pathways & Credentials Researcher

Digital Promise

Zohal Shah is a pathways & credentials researcher at Digital Promise and a doctoral candidate at the UC Berkeley School of Education in the Learning Sciences and Human Development program. Her research spans across a multitude of topics including critical data and digital literacies, K-12 to postsecondary pathways, micro-credentials, and technology-enabled learning experiences. She is a fellow at the Center for Research Use in Education at the University of Delaware and is also completing a Cultural Competence in Computing Fellowship, with the support of Digital Promise, in the Identity in Computing Lab at Duke University. Through her work and professional development, Zohal is fervently committed to advancing pathways that offer historically and systematically excluded learners’ equitable access to opportunities in the education and workforce ecosystem. Prior to Digital Promise, she worked in the edtech industry and graduated with her MEd. in technology, innovation, and education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
